On the wall

Not-For-Profit as Urban Neighbor: Groundswell


Categories: News

Recently, Groundswell welcomed The Rooftops Project's Scott Haggmark and Professor James Hagy to our Brooklyn headquarters, to discuss Groundswell's unique cross-sector model with Executive Director Amy Sananman. The interview took place as part of The Rooftops Project's continuing series looking at not-for-profits as urban neighbors.
In the published profile, The Rooftops Project highlights the transformative potential of Groundswell's combination of social service, community activism, and social justice.
"Few not-for-profit organizations can claim to have made a dramatic, permanent, outdoor visual impact on more than 450 city blocks throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Groundswell has done just that."
As described in the piece, Groundswell's unusual model serves three different constituencies simultaneously: the students who conceive, design, and install the art with training and guidance from artist facilitators; the community or cause the story of which is being represented in the artwork itself; and the property and community that is refreshed and enriched by the finished art installation as a visual and decorative piece.
The Rooftops Project is a new initiative founded and directed by James Hagy, Distinguished Adjunct Professor with the Center for Real Estate Studies at New York Law School. The Rooftops Project provides real estate programs and workshops, web and print resources for not-for-profit organizations.

To read the entire profile, please visit The Rooftops Project.

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