Attack of the Second Hand Smoke

  • “Attack of the Killer Smokes” echoes vintage movie posters, depicting smoke as a space invader!
  • At Woodhull Medical Center, student artists learned how lungs work. This is a pig lung.
  • Community partners from Woodhull demonstrate the effects that smoke exposure has on the lungs.
  • Artists presented their process and artwork at Woodhull Medical Center as ambassadors to public health.

Project Description

To create “You Smoke…We All Smoke” and "Attack of the Second Hand Smoke,” students from IS 318 explored smoking as a public health issue in partnership with Woodhull Asthma Awareness Program and Brooklyn Smoke-Free Partnership. First, the young artists engaged in workshops with their community partners to educate themselves about the dangers of first-hand, second-hand, and third-hand smoking and the relationship between smoking and asthma. Then they explored how visual art has been used throughout the 20th and 21st centuries as the battleground between anti-smoking initiatives and cigarette advertising campaigns.
Equipped with an understanding of the health consequences and social history of smoking, as well as their artistic communication skills, the artists developed educational and provocative posters to promote smoke-free living. The artists drew from imagery used in vintage public health ads and Work Projects Administration posters while riffing off of cigarette ads. Their posters now hang in the lobbies of housing developments throughout the city to promote smoke-free living.

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Project Info

Fun Facts

Fun Fact
May is World Asthma Month.
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States.
Question about the Mural
What do you think makes these posters effective? Are they meant for different audiences?