DYCD Youth Leadership Conference

Project Description

In 2006, Department of Youth and Community Development hosted 400 youth at its annual youth conference, and Groundswell youth artists were chosen to create artwork to celebrate the conference. The mural highlights DYCD’s vision to encourage young people to go out and be game changers in their communities by creating and implementing community service and service learning projects in the areas of the arts, civic engagement, sports, leadership, and youth councils. The mural’s theme showcases and celebrates the great work that youth are doing to positively impact their communities. The four panels of the mural addresses four themes: community, change agent, environmental justice, and the joys of activism through art.

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Project Info

Location: 156 William Street New York, NY 10038

Fun Facts

A record 60,000 jobs at 10,000 worksites are offered as part of DYCD’s Summer Youth Employment Program.
Question about the Mural
How do you support your community?
Fun Fact
Young adults between 10-24 comprise 20% of the U.S. population.