
Public Design Share: Transform/Restore Brownsville 5

Add your voice to our mural design! At Groundswell, we believe that for art to be a tool of transformation, the community must be involved. Join us for a public presentation of the draft design of our new mural. Your contributions are not only valued, but necessary.
Groundswell’s NEA grant award-winning initiative “Transform/Restore: Brownsville,” presented in collaboration with the New York City Department of Probation and the Pitkin Avenue BID, will come to a triumphant end this summer with its fifth and final mural celebrating Brownsville’s hidden treasures. This two-year participatory mural-year project engaged young adult probation clients, local businesses, and community members in the creation of visible and permanent change within their own community.
This project is made possible through the generous support of the National Endowment for the Arts, through its national Our Town initiative, the Pitkin Avenue BID, and Con Edison.


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